Successful Ph.D. Defence

As of March 31,2021 I have successfully defended my dissertation in Computer Science, UW, Canada. My dissertation title is: “Designing Persuasively using Playful Elements”

Featured News Articles

A project done lead by G. Tondello on Motivating gamers with personalized game design, was featured in popular news and blogs! As a supporting author, I am happy to be part of this work.

GradFlix Finalist!

Guess who was in the top 15 finalists of GradFlix 2019 at University of Waterloo! Above is my video entry. The Games Institute and Faculty of Math both featured my accomplishment. Check out:

See you at Grace Hopper Tomorrow!

Thanks to WiCS (Women in Computer Science) University of Waterloo, I have been given the opportunity to go to the Grace Hopper Celebration. This is my first time attending this conference and I am very excited to go. At the event, I will be mentoring. See you at speed mentoring and Open Source Day.  

CHI2018: Social Media Chair

Guess who is social media chair for CHI2018? Me! So, who’s behind the #chi2018 Twitter acronyms this year? Communications chair Lennart: LN (@acagamic) and social media chairs Rina: RW (@RinaRene), Lisa: LA (@lanthonyuf), Cristina: CZ (@Zaga_daga), and Maria: MW (@mariawolters). We use @sig_chi + @chi2018. — ACM CHI Conference (@sig_chi) November 23, 2017

PhD Seminar: Above Water

In the seminar, I presented updates on my on-going work with Above Water. Above Water is a game designed to fight the stigma surrounding mental health. The presentation was followed by a long and warm discussion. Heres the abstract of the paper: Abstract We present Above Water-a digital/physical hybrid game to inform people about the…

PhD Seminar: Leave them for Dead

Presented a seminar on my paper Leave them for Dead. Abstract: Why do we care if our teammates are not human? This study seeks to uncover whether or not the perception of other players as human or artificial entities can influence player experience. We use both deception and a between-participants blind study design to reduce…

Wine, Cheese, & Gamification

Hi all, I have been invited to speak at the UWaterloo GradTalk series. The series brings together students from two different disciplines working on similar research areas. I had the honour of working with Marcela Bomfim to discuss Gamification & Games for Change. Stay tuned for an update.

Museum Exhibit

See some of my work at The Museum, Kitchener, ON, Canada, currently on display.